Awards And Honours
Awards And Honours
Every year prizes are distributed to the students based on their academic excellence, games and sports and other activities like NCC, NSS, Cultural Programs etc. Apart from prizes scholarships and honorarium are also given to them. The list of the awards or prized with their conditions are given below.

Name of the Prize/ Medal | Condition of Award |
Kharagpur College Proficiency Award |
Awards conferred on Students every year for excellent performances in academic fields, Games & Sports, NCC, NSS & other cultural activities, on college Foundation Day Celebration Ceremony. |
Principal Sripati De Merit Medal and Scholarship |
A Medal along with scholarship to be awarded to each of the toppers (regular student of this institution) in B.A., B.Sc., and B.Com. Honours examination of Vidyasagar University, every year, out of the accrued interest of the fund of Rs. 10,001/- donated by Smt. Dipti De, w/o. Late Principal Sripati De in memory of her husband. |
Anweshan Bhowmik Merit Medal and Scholarship |
One medal alongwith one scholarship of lump sum amount in favour of the topper of the College continuing without break appearing in final B.Sc. part -I Honours Examination of the University every year out of the yearly interest accrued from the fund of Rs. 10001/- donated by Dr. Shyamapada Bhowmik, Ex-Associate Prof. & Ex-Head, Deptt. of History, Kharagpur College in memory of his deceased son Anweshan Bhowmik (Ex-student of this College). |
Prof. K.L. Saha Merit Medal and Award |
A medal alongwith an award of Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred) in favour of the topper in Physics(Honours) of this college every year in V.U. Part – I , Part – II & Part – III Exam. taken together. out of the yearly interest accrued from the fund of Rs. 10,001/- donated by Prof. Kanailal Saha, Ex-Head of the department of Physics of Kharagpur College. |
Pankaj Kumar Das Memorial Award &
Mrinalini Das |
The regular student (Kharagpur College) who will obtain the highest marks in English Hons. & the regular students (Kharagpur College) who will obtain the highest marks in English Gen. (University Level) final Examination from amongst the Kharagpur College Students be awarded “Pankaj Kumar Das Memorial Award” and “Mrinalini Das Memorial Award” respectively every year out of the accrued interest of memorial fund of Rs. 10000/- donated by Prof. Amalendu Das, formerly, Head, Dept. of English desiring to perpetuate the memory of his deceased parents. |
Prof. L.N.Basak Memorial Award |
Medal along with scholarship to be awarded to a regular student of Kharagpur College for securing highest marks in Chemistry (Honours) examination of Vidyasagar University, every year, out of the interest accrued from the fund of Rs. 10,000/- donated by Prof. Late L.N. Basak, ex- Head, Deptt. of Chemistry, Kharagpur College. |
Benimadhab De
Parulbala De |
To be awarded to a regular student of B.Sc. Course of this college for obtaining highest marks in Mathematics (Honours) in the final examination of V.U., out of accrued interest of a fund of Rs. 10,000/- donated by Dr. Sudhir Kumar De, Ex-Associate Prof. & Ex-Head, Dept. of Math. & Ex-Incharge (Morning Shift) of Kharagpur College, to perpetuate the memory of his deceased parents. |
Chanchala Bala Memorial Award |
To be awarded a merit medal & Scholarship to a regular student of Kharagpur College every year for obtaining Highest Marks in Hindi Honours in the final Examination of Vidyasagar University out of the interest accrued annually from Rs. 10,000/- donated by Dr. Pankaj Saha, Associate Prof. & Head, Dept. of Hindi of Kharagpur College in memory of his deceased mother Chanchala Bala Saha. |
Prabodh Chandra Dutta Majumdar & Kanika Dutta Majumdar Memorial Award |
One Medal along with scholarship to be awarded to the Student obtaining highest marks in Bengali P.G. Final (M.A.) Semester Examination of Vidyasagar University every year out of the interest accrued from the fund of Rs. 12001/- donated by Prof. Amitabha Dutta Majumdar, Ex-Head Deptt. of Chemistry & Ex-In-Charge, Evening Shift, Kharagpur College to perpetuate the memory of his deceased parents. |
Principal H.B.Sarkar Merit Medal | The regular securing highest marks in B.A. (Gen) at University level Final Examination from among the regular students appearing at that examination every year will be honored with the “Principal H.B.Sarkar Merit Medal”. The fund of the Medal will be provided from the accrued interest of Rs. 25,000/- donated by Dr. Kaushik Kr. Ghose, Morning In-Charge & Associate Professor in Bengali. |