College Mission

College Mission

The College’s mission is to become “A centre of excellence committed to the perfection of the human personality”. Our goal as stated in the emblem of the college is "Advancement of Learning" i.e., to provide students with a high-quality education and support them as they succeed in their chosen fields of study, preparing them to meet the needs of the modern world. We are dedicated to provide the youth in the rural areas near our College with a meaningful education because we are convinced that proper education is the best resort for improving their lives. Our goal is:

  1. to instill morals and self-confidence in on future challenges.
  2. to help them become socially engaged and adaptable to global change, as well as confident and self-sufficient.

As girls make up the majority of the students at our College, our goal is to enlighten, empower, and emancipate them.The institution’s vision and mission reflect the goals of the country’s higher education policies, which include developing human resources to meet today’s challenges. The institution follows a threefold system with academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular programs. The academic plan is built around expanding and empowering students’ knowledge bases. Our vision and mission in brief are:

  1. Aiming for excellence.
  2. Social accountability.
  3. Love and compassion for fellow beings.
  4. Moral rectitude.

The College has a clearly defined organizational structure for the efficient management of the College in order to achieve the stated vision and mission. Different subcommittees participate in the management. The Principal is the academic and administrative head of the College and serves as the Chairperson of all subcommittees. The Principal of the college being a member of the Steering Committee constituted by Vidyasagar University for formulation of regulations of Curriculam and Credit Framework for Undergraduate Programmes as per NEP 2020 is well aware of the CCFUP introduced from the session 2023-2024. The Principal has explained different aspects of the CCFUP in the meetings with all the teachering and non-teaching staff of the college. The Academic subcommitte has finalised the strategies to implement the CCFUP keeping options for different Multidisciplinary courses, Value Added Courses, Community services, Internship, Entrepreneurship etc.

Governing Body and Various Sub-committees:

The Governing Body being the highest Body of the college formulates the policies, strategies, and plans. The Principal, after consulting with the Heads of different Departments and subcommittees and cells including the IQAC constituted by the Governing Body and Teacher’s Council, presents proposals/plans to the Governing Body for discussion and necessary approval.


IQAC discusses the feedback of all the stakeholders of the college in its meetings and takes decision regarding initiatives to be taken for academic development and related activities. The resolutions are forwarded to the Governing Body whenever necessary for implementation.