Publications |
Research papers published:
- Anomalous photovoltage in Cd80Zn0.20Te thin films, B.Samanta et al, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.75(1994) p.2733
- Optical properties of Cd80Zn0.20Te thin films, B.samanta et al , Indian Journal of pure and Applied Physics, vol.32 (1994) p.62
- Microstructural features of Cd80Zn0.20Te thin films studied by x-ray diffraction and electron microscopy, B.Samanta et al ,
Bulletin of Material Science, vol.18(1995) p.81
- Study of microstructural and optical properties of Cd1-xZnxTe thin films , B.Samanta et al , Vacuum. vol.46(1995) p.739
- Anomalous photovoltage in Cd0.25Zn0.75Te thin films, B.Samanta et al , Journal of Physics D: Appllied Physics, vol.29(1996) p.188
- Electrical characterization of air oxidised CdSe thin films prepared by thermal evaporation, B.Samanta et al , Semiconductor Science & Technology,
vol. 11 (1996) p.548
- Role of buffer layer at the interface on the stabilized efficiency of a-Si solar cells , Solar Energy materials and Solar Cells, Vol.46 (1997) p.233
- Design, fabrication and preliminary characterization of Ti:LiNbO3 directional coupler switch, B.Samanta et al , Defence Science Journal
vol.52 (2002) p.201
- Determination of Refractive Index Profile and Mode Index from the Measured Mode Profile of Single-Mode LiNbO3-Diffused Waveguides, B.samanta
et al , Fibre and Integrated Optics, vol.31 (2012) p.1-10
- Theoretical Estimation of Refractive Index of Continuous Wave UV Induced Waveguide in LiNbO3 Considering Temperature Dependent Absorption
Coefficient, B.Samanta et al , Journal of LightWave Technology vol.31, No.16(2013) p.2728
- Determination of Temperature profile of continuous Wave Ultraviolet Laser Induced LiNbO3 Waveguide , B.samanta et al , Journal of Physical
Science, vol. 16 (2012) p.197
- Comparison of calculated and measured refractive index profiles of continuous wave ultraviolet written waveguides in LiNbO3 and its analysis
by effective index based matrix method, B.Samanta et al , Journal of Applied Physics vol.117(2015)