Dr. Bikash Kumar Ghosh

DR. Bikash Kumar Ghosh

Assistant Professor

Department Economics
Phone No. +91 78727 62917
Email Id bikashkinu@gmail.com
Qualification M.Sc, Ph.D
Date of Joining 20-03-2007
Research Experience and Area 13 Yrs., Agricultural Economics, Cultural Economics & Monetary Economics
Publications National Journal

  1. Sarker D. and B.K. Ghosh (2007): Efficiency and volatility in the Indian Stock Market, Forex Market and Bullion Market”, Finance India (ISSN 0970-3772), Vol. XXI, No. 3, September, pp 397-407. (Delhi)
  2. Sarker D. and B.K. Ghosh (2011): “Constraints of Milk Production: A Study on Cooperative and Non-cooperative Dairy Farms in West Bengal”, Agricultural Economics Research Review (ISSN 0971-3441), Vol. 23, No. 2, pp 303-315. (New Delhi)

International Journal

  1. Sarker D. and B.K. Ghosh (2008): “Economics of Milk Production in West Bengal: Evidence from Cooperative and Non-cooperative Farms”, East-West Journal of Economics and Business (ISSN 1108-2992), XI, No 1 & No 2, pp132-152. (University of Thessaly, Greece)
  2. Sarker D. and B.K. Ghosh (2011): “Milk Marketing under Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Marketing Channels: Evidence from West Bengal”, Economic Annals (ISSN 0013-3264), Volume LV, No. 187, October – December, pp 87-108. (University of Belgrade)
  3. Sarker D. and B.K. Ghosh (2012): “Economic Indicators of Primary Milk Producers’ Co-Operative Societies: Evidence from West Bengal”, (ISSN 2160-9659) International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management, Vol.1, No.3, July-September, pp 1-19.
  4. Sarker D. and B.K. Ghosh (2012): “Cost- Benefit Analysis and Major Constraint of Cashew Cultivation: A Study of Marginal farms in West Bengal”, International Journal of Accounting, Management and Economic Scholars, (ISSN 2227-409x), Volume 1, No. 2., Pp173-184.
  5. Sarker D. and B.K. Ghosh (2013): “How Does Primary Dairy Cooperative Perform? A Study of Physical and Financial Performance Variables in West Bengal State in India”, Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, (ISSN: 2251-628X (Print) ISSN: 2251-631X(Online))Vol. 3, No.2, pp 397-407.
  6. Ghosh B.K. (2014): “Economics of Eco-friendly Terracotta Products in Bankura District of West Bengal”, Journal of Economics and Development Studies, [ISSN: 2334-2382 (Print), 2334-2390 (online)], Vol. 2, No. 2, Pp 233-245.
  7. Ghosh B.K. (2018): “Vendors and Informal Sector: Economic Study of Street Food Vendors of West Midnapore District”, Printing Area, International Multilangual Research Journal, [ISSN: 2394-5303, Issue-40, Vol. 03, April, Pp 35-38.
Seminar Attended National level: 04, International level: 02 (for  2018-19 Session)
Workshop 1-Refresher Course
Book or Chapter Published Papers in Edited Book

  1. Ghosh B.K. (2013): “Significance of FDI in Information Technology (IT) and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) Sector in India”, Foreign Direct Investment and its impact on Indian Economy,( ISBN 978-81-928665-0-5), Edited by Ashoke Kumar Das , Kharagpur College, Pp 177- 187.
  2. Ghosh B.K. (2016): “Economic Viability of Milk production between BPL and Non-BPL Farms: A Study under Cooperative and Private Dairying in West Bengal”, An Outline of Current Economic Issues in India, (ISBN: 978-81-928665-2-9), Edited by Kuntal Das & Sukla Mondal Saha, Dept. of Economics, Kharagpur Colege, pp77-89.
Administrative Position
  1. Secretary, Teachers’ Council, Kharagpur College (from 24.8.2018)
  2. Member, IQAC, Kharagpur College
  3. Coordinator, NAD Cell, Kharagpur College
  1. Member, Advisory Committee, Kharagpur College Examination Cell under CBCS.
  2. Convenor, Routine Sub-Committee, Teachers’ Council
  3. Member, Examination Sub-Committee, Teachers’ Council
Extra Curriculum Direct involvement with Performing Art