Dr. Pradip Kumar Gain

DR. Pradip Kumar Gain

Associate Professor and Head

Department Mathematics
Phone No 7908883780 / 9593686790
Email Id pradipgain15@gmail.com
Qualification M. Sc, M. Phil, Ph.D.
Date of Joining 01-07-1994
Research Experience and Area

12 yrs.

Topology, Fuzzy topology, Soft Topology, Fuzzy Soft Topology.

Publications International Journals

  • On Some Decompositions of Fuzzy Soft Continuity, The Journal of New Theory, 4, 39-52, 2015. ISSN-2149-1402.


  • A Note on Fuzzy Soft Semi Open Sets and Fuzzy Soft Semi Continuous Functions, The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics 22(4), 973-989, 2014. ISSN 1066-8950


  • On Fuzzy Iβ-Compact Spaces and Fuzzy Iβ-Closed Spaces, The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 22 (1) (2014) 185-196. ISSN 1066-8950


  • A New Approach Towards Characterization of Semicompactness of Fuzzy Topological Spaces and Its Crisp Subsets, Journal of Fuzzy Set Valued Analysis, 2013 (2013), 1-6. ISSN 2193-4169

PDF Link- https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/6b86/e7789e1a8b5d757da70c50a1b50af4a7a40b.pdf

National Journals

  • On Compact and Semicompact Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces, Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science, 4 (2) (2014) 425-445. ISSN: 1927-5307


  • On Generalization of S-closedness For Fuzzy Topological Spaces Through Fuzzy Ideals, International Journal of Mathematical Archive, 5 (6) (2014) 159-165.            ISSN 2229 – 5046

Link- http://www.ijma.info/index.php/ijma/article/view/2956

  • On Some Structural Properties of Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces, International Journal of Fuzzy Mathematical Archive, 1 (2013) 1-15. ISSN: 2320-3242 (P), 2320-3250 (online)

Link-PK Gain, P Mukherjee, RP Chakraborty… – Intern. J. Fuzzy …, 2013 – Citesee


  • On Some Decompositions of Fuzzy Continuity Through Fuzzy Topological Ideal, International Journal of Mathematical Research & Science, 1 (3) (2013) 21-30. ISSN2347-3975

5)      On Characterization of Some Fuzzy Subsets of Fuzzy Ideal Topological Spaces and Decomposition of Fuzzy Continuity, CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 4 (4) (2012) 115-120. Print: ISSN 0974-9721 & Online: ISSN 0974- 9608

  • Characterization of Some Fuzzy Subsets of Fuzzy Ideal Topological Spaces and Decomposition of Fuzzy Continuity, International Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics and Systems, 2 (2) (2012) 149-161.

 ISSN 2248-9940



  • On α-N-Topological Spaces Associated with Fuzzy Topological Spaces, Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1 (1) (2012) 1-12. ISSN 2279-087X


Seminar Attended
  • UGC sponsored State Level Seminar on “Mathematics Teaching” held on 16-02-2001 at Pingla Thana Mahavidyalaya.
  • UGC sponsored State Level Seminar on “Militant Nationalism in Midnapore Till 1947” held on 12-03-2002 at Kharagpur College.
  • UGC sponsored National Seminar on “ Post Independence Indian Fiction (Eastern Region): A Comparative Study” held on 24-25 Nov. 2006. at Kharagpur College.
  • UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Challenges to Education in the Present Scenario” held on 09-10-2004 at Shibpur Dinobundhoo Institution.
  • UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Teaching Methodology In Higher Education” held on 18-02-2010 at Kharagpur College.
  • UGC sponsored State Level Seminar on “Mathematics Behind Computer” held on 26-03-2010 at Vivekananda Satabarshiki Mahavidyalaya.
  • National Seminar on “Recent Development In Applied Mathematics and its Applications” held on 30-31 March 2011 at Vidyasagar University.
  • Regional Level Seminar on “Ordinance of Universities in West Bengal : Advancement or Retrogression ?” held on 17-12-2011 at Vidyasagar Teacher’s Training College, Midnapore.
  • UGC sponsored National Seminar on “A New Movement In Indian Philosophy and Culture : Contribution of Swami Vivekananda” held on 22-23 December 2011 at Kharagpur College.
  • UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Scientific Ideas as Reflected In The Vedas and Later Sanskrit Literature” held on 19-20 January 2012 at Kharagpur College.
  • National Seminar on “Higher Education in India : 12th Five Year Plan” held on 28-12-2013 at Midnapore College.
  • National Seminar on “New Higher Education Policy in India : Problems & Prospects” held on 30-01-2016 at K.D. College of Commerce & General Studies, Midnapore.
Project PI or Co PI
  • Minor Research Project in Science, No- PSW-84/06-07 (ERO) Dated 06/11/2006.             Project completed.
  • 1-DAY WORKSHOP on “Promotion Under Career Advancement Scheme” held on 14-09-2019 at Kharagpur College.
  • 1-DAY SYMPOSIUM on “New UG Syllabus of Mathematics” held on 13-09-2017 at Vidyasagar University.
  • 5-DAY NATIONAL WORKSHOP on “Optimization And Fuzzy Mathematics” held on 09 to 13th September 2014 at Vidyasagar University.
  • 3-DAY STATE LEVEL WORKSHOP on “C-Language & Its Application” held on 28 to 30th March 2012 at Kharagpur College.
  • 1-DAY WORKSHOP on “The Revised UG Syllabi of Mathematics For 3-Tier Examination Pattern” held on 22-12-2005 at Raja N. L. Khan Women’s College.
Invited Lecture  Presented a paper entitled “On a Decomposition of Fuzzy Soft Continuity” in 5- DAY WORKSHOP on “Optimization And Fuzzy Mathematics” held on 09 to 13th  September 2014 at Vidyasagar University.
Book or Chapter Published Some Problems of Fuzzy and Fuzzy Soft

Topological SpacesISBN: 978-3-659-74114-2

Published on 15/06/2015


Administrative Position
  • Acted as a member (Teacher’s Representative) of GOVERNING BODY of Kharagpur College during the period 2010-2014.
  • Acted as a member (University Nominated) of GOVERNING BODY of Sabong Sajonikanta Mahavidyalaya) during the period 1998-2002, 2002-2006, 2006-2010, 2010-2011.
Committee Acted as the Secretary of Teacher’s Council of Kharagpur College during the period 2009-2010.